CAMPE Special Call: Remote Presentation Track
Deadline: 11:59 p.m. EDT, 15 February 2023
The AMS Committee on the Annual Meeting and Public Events (CAMPE) is interested in promoting accessibility by experimenting with hybrid session models and formats. In service of this goal, CAMPE is calling for proposals from individuals who are unable to travel to attend the 2023 AMS/SMT Joint
Annual Meeting in person, but would like to present their work remotely.
As part of this pilot initiative, the AMS is calling for paper proposals on any topic in music studies to be presented as part of a small number of hybrid four-paper sessions. These four-paper sessions will include two remote presenters (selected from those applying to this track), two in-person presenters (selected from the general, in-person pool of annual meeting presenters), and an in-person chair or moderator. Remote presenters will be able to fully participate in the session, including the Q&A, via two-way video. Moreover, to ensure that the opportunity to present remotely will be reserved to those who genuinely cannot travel to the conference, individuals who propose papers for this track will not be eligible to present in person or to propose to present in person.
Proposals for this special remote presentation track will be assessed and arranged into panels by the AMS Program Committee using the same processes and criteria applied to the assessment and programming of paper proposals from in-person presenters. An effective proposal for this pilot remote presentation track will articulate the main points of the presentation clearly, position its contributions in the context of previous knowledge, and suggest its significance for conference attendees. All work proposed for presentation at the Joint Annual Meeting must be original. Proposals are due 15 February 2023, 11:59pm EDT.
Guidelines & Restrictions
Only individuals who cannot travel to present in person are eligible to submit a paper proposal for the Remote Presentation Track: CAMPE Special Call. Individuals proposing also to present in person, including as part of guaranteed study group and committee sessions, will be disqualified from being considered for remote presentation.
The alternate years rule has been suspended for the 2023 annual meeting. Thus, those who appeared on the program for the 2022 AMS Annual Meeting are eligible to be included in proposals for this 2023 CAMPE Special Call.
NOTE: If accepted and placed on the program, remote presenters will be required—like all other presenters, both in-person and proxy—to register for the annual meeting.
Submission Procedure
The form for submitting proposals in response to this CAMPE Special Call will become available on 15 December 2022. Proposals must be received by 11:59 p.m. EDT, 15 February 2023. Proposals are to be submitted electronically on the AMS 2023 annual meeting site. Please note that proposal submission ceases precisely at the deadline. To avoid technical problems with submission please submit at least twenty-four hours before the deadline. Decision notices will be sent in late May / early June.