Please use the links on this page to access submission portals for the 2023 AMS-SMT Joint Annual Meeting.
Main Submission Portal
The main submission portal for the 2023 AMS-SMT Joint Annual Meeting should be used to submit paper and session proposals, including panel, workshop, roundtable, film, and special session proposals, both single society and joint.
Proposal Calls
AMS Paper & Session Proposals
Use the main submission portal to submit an AMS proposal for an individual paper, poster, session, workshop, roundtable, or film. Except for workshop and roundtable proposals, all other proposals abstracts should exclude personally identifying information. As a reminder, all participants (including presenters, chairs, and respondents) will be required to register for the annual meeting.
- See the AMS Call for Proposals for additional details.
- Deadline: 15 February 2023, 11:59pm CST
SMT Call for Proposals
Use the main submission portal to submit an SMT proposal for an integrated, alternative, or standing committee session. As a reminder, all SMT participants (including presenters, chairs, and respondents) will be required to register for the annual meeting and be a current member of the SMT.
- See the SMT Call for Proposals for additional information.
- Deadline: 15 February 2023, 11:59pm CST
AMS CAMPE Special Call: Professional Development
Use the main submission portal to submit an AMS professional development proposal for a workshop, roundtable, or paper session. paper session proposal abstracts should exclude personally identifying information; workshop and roundtable proposals should identify participants. As a reminder, all participants (including presenters, chairs, and respondents) will be required to register for the annual meeting.
This CAMPE Special Call may only be answered by the designated leaders or representatives of existing AMS study groups, chapters, and committees submitting on behalf of their group.
- See the AMS CAMPE Special Call: Professional Development for additional details.
- Deadline: 15 March 2023, 11:59pm CST
AMS CAMPE Special Call: Professional Development
Use the main submission portal to submit an AMS proposal for this year’s experimental remote presentation track. As a reminder, all participants (including presenters, chairs, and respondents) will be required to register for the annual meeting.
This CAMPE Special Call may only be answered by the designated leaders or representatives of existing AMS study groups, chapters, and committees submitting on behalf of their group.
- See the AMS CAMPE Special Call: Remote Presentation Track for additional details.
- Deadline: 15 February 2023, 11:59pm CST
AMS Study Group or Committee Proposals
Use the main submission portal to submit an AMS proposal for a study group or committee session. AMS committees and study groups are guaranteed one session at the Annual Meeting. As a reminder, all participants (including presenters, chairs, and respondents) will be required to register for the annual meeting.
- See the AMS Call for Study Group and Committee Proposals for additional details.
- Deadline: 15 March 2023, 11:59pm CST
AMS Call for Performances
Use the performance proposal submission form to submit a proposal for a concert, lecture-recital, workshop, or other type of performance.
- See the AMS Call for Performances for additional details.
- Deadline: 15 February 2023, 11:59pm CST